This is what we collected for local families going through a difficult time this Christmas. Working with a Minister from St Andrew Holy Cross, we managed to raise lots of money, gifts and food donations within 2 weeks! Everyone was so overwhelmed by the generosity from Companies, Tenants and local residents, it has been an emotional time for all of us, we have all thoroughly enjoyed helping and will do whatever we can to help in the future.

We had ten families who were going through a very challenging time through loss, illness, amongst other things. They were very happy and overwhelmed when they received the gifts, lots of tears were shed and the feeling of relief. The joy of knowing that their children would have a great Christmas filled with an abundance of presents and food made their Christmas a little stress free.

We also had lots of presents left over for the Women’s Refuge which was greatly received.

A big thank you to the companies that donated;

Walsh’s – DRL/Railtrain – Kings Plumbing – Beauchamp & Bird – De Georgio – Touch of Glass/Bibby Company – Young People at Heart – Colag Insulations – Co Op East Tilbury – U Value Insulations – More-Life – Alternative Energy – Ferguson Construction – Sandra’s Curtains – McCarrefour –  plus anyone else we have missed, and all the local residents too.


Happy New Year to everyone.